FAQ'S (Frequently Asked Questions)

The HydroBike, manufactured since 1990, is easy to use and a
delightful water vehicle. It is even easier than riding a bike, no need to
worry about tipping - It is Ultra Stable! Thousands of HydroBikes have
been sold, and used by Families, Rental Fleets, and State Parks.
Q - How stable is it?
A - Very stable, it will not tip over when the rider is standing or sitting on the side-decks. It's also stable in high waves and swells.
Q - How fast does it go?
A - Average speed is 4-6 mph, it can go up to 10 mph.
Q - Is there one for 2 people?
A - Yes, we have a two person HydroBike. Also, two single bikes can be combined together with
the kit EIIkit CastleCraft offers to make a double.
Q - How much does it weigh?
A - Explorer I is 125 lbs
Explorer II is 211 lbs
Q - How much weight can it hold?
A - 400 lbs Capacity for Explorer I
600 lbs Capacity for Explorer
Q - Does it come in different colors?
A - Color choices for pontoons - yellow or hunter green. Choices for console & deck - electric green, purple or hunter green..
Q - What are the floats made of?
A - Seamless, rotationally molded polyethylene.
Q - What kind of clothing should I wear, will I get wet?
A - Any comfortable clothing, maybe a light jacket for cooler days. You will not get wet.
Q - What are the dimensions? (height, width, length)
A - Explorer I is 53" H x 42"W x 10'-0" L
Explorer II is 53" H x
97" W x 10'-0" L
Q - How is it transported?
A - Fully assembled; trailer, roof rack or back of any standard pickup. Disassembled; smaller pickup, van or even a large car trunk.
Q - Where is the best place to ride it?
A - On almost any body of water.
Q - How deep does the water have to be to work?
A - It only needs a depth of 18 inches.
Q - What kind of maintenance is required?
A - The drive train oil will need to be changed once a year, apply chain oil as needed. Saltwater will require "rinsing" of the bike and additional lubrication of chain and pedals.
Q - Is there a warranty available?
A - Yes, there is a 1 year warranty on all major parts, and a 30 day warranty on maintenance type parts. (ie: chain, pedals, knobs etc.)
Q - Is it difficult to get parts or service?
A - No, the manufacturer offers all parts service. The Bicycle parts are
also obtainable from many Local Bike Shops
Q - Can children ride them too?
A - Most children ages 9 and up are able to ride themselves, as long as they are able to reach the pedals.
Also available is an optional child's seat for ages 2-5 to ride with an adult. The console is not to be used as a seat.
Q - How long have HydroBikes been
A - Since 1990.
Q - Can it be disassembled for storage?
A - Yes, the floats can be removed with only two hand knobs per float, for easy storage. (no tools needed)
Q - How does it perform in saltwater vs. freshwater?
A - Constructed for use in saltwater as well as fresh, although saltwater does require a bit more maintenance.
Q - Why does it not have more gears, like a 3 speed?
A - Most water is level. The speed that can be attained, is determined by the shape and length of the floats. Just like a sailboat. Also, you would lose the ability to go in reverse, which I'm sure you'll agree is very beneficial.
Seitech Launching Dollies are
available for the HydroBike Explorer I and II.
CastleCraft also offers a trailer
that is designed for the HydroBike.